Is Downsizing Even Worth It?

Shirley Ann Parker
6 min readJan 29, 2022

Maybe We Should Just Rent a Front Loader and Be Done With It.

A chipmunk looking at peanuts in the bucket of a toy front loader.
Photo by Camerauthor Photos on Unsplash

Most of us probably aren’t downsizing for the fun of it.

We’ve been forced into this backbreaking, stressful hassle by employers who forced us out of our remote jobs, and who now are begging us to go back, but into the office via a miserable commute. Fat chance, after the way we were mistreated by Corporate for years.

Or maybe we were forced out of our homes by the bungled handling of a pandemic by the same people who got the withdrawal from Afghanistan bass-ackwards.

Or we were denied treatment in our state by the generations of heartless people who think the poor and needy don’t deserve decent healthcare. Let’s reduce the surplus population, as one of Charles Dickens’ characters said, or at very least kick them back down into their place in society. Where you’re born is where you’re supposed to stay, after all.

Regardless, the day comes when you simply have to move somewhere else, even if the arrogant and the snooty don’t want you among them anywhere else either.

Maybe it’s time for retirement in a less costly area or one with decent healthcare, though such are hard to find in any state any more. (Even Medicare doesn’t cover everything and Medicaid is limited in some states.) And no, outrageous housing…



Shirley Ann Parker

UK emigrant to USA. Interests: Wildlife, people, mental health, religion. Help me tear down society’s abuses.